Life is real-dreams, Monster is not in that woken slumber

The living often say:

"I am woke, they slumber"

and as such they point finger at themselves and other saying they found the dream of reality and say the other is lost in slumber from reality and it is both them and other, whom stated clearly it is they whom dream and if both have claimed the other dream, while they are woke then they are both in slumber woke as defined by other.

While the woke one is seeing other dreams and the one is slumber is dreaming not of "woke" things. As such they think they woke as they sleep and woke they did from sleep into dreams. We can then look yonder at the time they live in too, which goes forth to tomorrow and finds again ( tomorrow ) that they have woken.

As such, if we can not wake or slumber, as if we woke we dream and in dreaming we have not woke then their is not slumbering or woken nature. Thus their can not be sleep and can not be reality or dream as dream can have itself reality and reality can have dreams.

So then to call one thing dream or real, is as stating that the mirror is dream and the reflection is real. Yet in saying this:

"The mirror is real and it is reflection that is dream"

Do you think you are woken, when woken has none the less occurred in dream and slumber in real, but woke can in real and dream in slumber, so then can you truly say I am woke or dreaming? Especially if in dream i can see mirror and in life can see mirror and it is that ( living ) that sees twice mirror, but only not living that did not wake or slumber in that question.

As i can not wake in dream or wake in living, but can sleep in dream and sleep in living. So the concept is confused and so subjectively any, that it matters not to monster, if he is woke or slumber.

What matters to monster then is that he is there and knows not answer to question or has learned his answer in that thousand ignorance, with which he selects that which is his place and space in that period as it is monster who takes not to things agreed in goal or disagreed in totality ( as this would be as saying i am woke and thus you listen ) and thus takes to being as is.

So it is so then said that in monster and men, their can be difference ( in taking to woke or ignorance and these things can technically be shifted, but it is men who wake in dreams and realities while monster knows not of dream or real.

as he is confused and unknowing, defiant to know, as point is thing consuming.


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