Summary of first Descriptions

This page is dedicated to the place of beginning for our yonder of that monster outside life and as such it is a recording of that which begins any persons journey, so as to allow more simple travel from place to place as we go higher after this and take to a place of a question and of actions.

This is a place of what i do, as an explorer of the things i do not know.

As such i am monster, in other monster and am within containing other things too, as monster above too. In this place I am dogman and otter as this is form taken in that of the other, which is not life but monster. Life is that of only physical or mental and that which dreams, while being in wakeful slumber and takes to other things. While not in those latter I am ignorant while in defiant wondering of questions but live in my timeless purpose of consumption and sex. As I am ignorant of that wake or slumber I know not love or hate, while making video games of violence and striving for its opposite in mortal coil.

I am a man, whom has a interest in the many ways one can perceive reality.

In this, I have come from that of asking questions in science and faith to answers come of others, seeking first want and found,and found in it these things that are still coming down. In that their is twice thing, want and want of other things.

Their is a place like that in many things that connect in many ways, where it is what you enjoy, just in search of more.


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