Dog demans find author!
The dog demans arrived in the forest and talked to the author, who said: "I don't know what I'm doing!" Wildcard said: "Can we has access to outside world?" author says: "Most basic ideas can be found on here, but are probably mentioned once, for example you just came from a place discussing 4 of the things in existence in my reality, further their is more." Nile then said: "So we need something else, which we are not aware of, could you post things from your notes?" author says: "Probably, but who knows where that will go, its in the essence of everything on this blog, ideas shared are put into practice, but I could add more reaction and notes I guess." Boan says: " Why not make this blog about that, rather then whatever!" author says: "Why not make it both!" Poe says: "Cause its alot to do!" author says: "Probably... Here's some of both: The symbolism...
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