Dog demans find author!

The dog demans arrived in the forest and talked to the author, who said:

"I don't know what I'm doing!"

Wildcard said:

"Can we has access to outside world?"

author says:

"Most basic ideas can be found on here, but are probably mentioned once, for example you just came from a place discussing 4 of the things in existence in my reality, further their is more."

Nile then said:

"So we need something else, which we are not aware of, could you post things from your notes?"

author says:

"Probably, but who knows where that will go, its in the essence of everything on this blog, ideas shared are put into practice, but I could add more reaction and notes I guess."

Boan says:

" Why not make this blog about that, rather then whatever!"

author says:

"Why not make it both!"

Poe says:

"Cause its alot to do!"

author says:

"Probably... Here's some of both:

The symbolisms within programing:

The author said:

"If we take the symbols from this blogs available interface for them and use them as symbols for the blog, we can treat them as representing the things we want in short form. For example:

var Potency = 💢

if 💢 + definition == exists:

create thing.

var definition = a power level of what it its traditional behavior.


💢 + 💢 = 💢💢

and further definitions create the necessary communication for what is taking place on the code, such that it can be better understood. This allows for more clear explanations of what one wants , through defined definitions.

Another example of something between and beyond reality, is below:

Dreams and Phentals:

Continued use of dream through primitive features upon waking, such that the dream enters reality through what occurs in waking and what occurs in sleep is based of what is occuring while asleep.

For example:
  1. I dreams of discovering teleportation, through different interpretations of the environment, i wanted to travel to a mirror.
  2. I woke up and realized I was inside a mirror of the things outside me, which then led me to the washroom, where I saw a mirror.
But the Dog demans didn't find either thing interesting enough for their research, because they needed to go beyond the ring, so the author suggested:

Dreamic symbolics in phental programing:

which was creating symbols containing basic phental programming to better organize and define new universes, through which they could find something better and more advanced then free hand, which they could better know, through the limitations of its rules transcend to the ring!

So the four dog demans decided to try, but not here in the realm of the author, they returned to the bridge:


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