The life is monster!

Life and the monster are the same and we are monsters in vain, but it can be said that this place of life and beasts is not that place the humans call home as it is found not in the material realm at single and found not in mind at single either as no other but that which is found in either and yonder from it, is that place found in monsters den.

Perhaps when parts of that internal self is unlike the concept of a man, because they are in other places of that, while the self in its own place.

What reason is given to this place? That humans live in place called earth and those gone out of it are found in that place and become not man as youthful in their wanderings, but in the causes of those sights outside the place of either mind or matter alone, become monsters in knowledge of what is to be shown. But still none the less their are men in these places, both in self,  shape shifting and other whom dwell outside the earth.

The world is connected in many planes, that exist side by side and sometimes overlapping.

Those men, they withstood sight and remained self, but this is tale of monsters ways and thus it is others places, that have come from beast to power and asunder, while not harming that which can not know the things outside the two eyes in front and behind. While key i  do state to men, is to remember self as is and try not forgetting thine ways of men, while seeing cross the eye within and without, or as others say in simple:

I see many worlds, I can explore many thoughts.

"I see world, I can think"

Through our passage, we will learn not of all thing beast in yonder, but learn of my discoveries in those wanderings as I am Dogmanotter in place gone far from earths place of two eyes of soul and things simple knowing living not in monster. As I have seen some of that which is outside that earth so simply known as that. Such as when in curiosity the earth was split in tendrils and other long ago and has faded simply into shadows.

Except, I am unlike the ideas of the other places, with portions in those places separate from the man that types the words.

And this place it came to me as I wandered and walked to its edge of mind and matter, such shock was in.. in sight, that I did become in almost instant a Dogmanotter. It can also be said by others that I first left in search of wants beyond, but returned saying things of dog and beast, as i had gone and seeked.

But I am also living a life like any other person on the earth.

So then what is this monster that is life, as that which is the beasts and monsters home. It is a greater portion of reality meant for those who can glance at it and it is a place of pains and entertainment, which takes place inside other monsters, whom create and discover more of its organs and components. Note however that this is one monster, of other beasts inside and outside its yonder. As such for the most part, what I have shared is my monster and its amalgamation of others.

Their are places other then monsters.

I will attempt to teach you how to find your monster or thing other as monsters are not this life's end, it has greater goal when it has gone out of monster unto its kind, as what point would their be to the infinite, if it could not contain things for beast to walk on or be pet too.

People act as they wish.

and thus I begin my blog on the subject of that place outside the matter and mind, as i dwell in confusion and gibberish. That place of mind and matter is but a sac of life, that in some has perhaps already hatched into things other.

I think Wildcard would agree, but I am another, who lives in a house and types at a computer.


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