Of yesterday and tomorow

In this place, and in the earth their is thing called time which relates solely to our perceptions and the recordings of its motions in our minds. As such it is stated by some that this timely world is meant for tomorrow and others speak of it in meaning that it is yesterday.

Their are in fact other things then tomorrow or yesterday, like trees, which had a totality.

But outside of life, inside the monster is where time is no more, as any period is available so long as it lives in comfort with other things and it must for time is not of one or two ( yesterday and tomorrow ) but of infinite potential seconds and clockworks.

Correct, time is of any measurement, which moves according to the measring of time. For example:

[-1-2-3-4-] Is a measurement in time, which only has four passing's, It can manifest a different calendar.

Time, because it does not exist outside of life, is thus available in full as but a portion of wherever one goes in space of construction or view. As such this place of monsters, is able not only of travel in time linear or other, but is able to remain in time forever.

Men and Women can travel across the completion of the world, like any other, except in the sole of that one that is not known, which appears when wondered.

But it is vital to know the difference of desire in pursuit of time yonder, because what point is their to times not in interest in the self, thus below I will describe the period in time that I find myself, and it is not of tomorrow or yesterday.

One time zone, their are atleast two on this blog.

Firstly to describe it, I must describe the yesterday and tomorow as it would be in time and it is put quite simply that yesterday is that of the primitive man and tomorrow of the wise man, as such to the living all that was yesterday is not of interest as only that of tomorow is of interest, for interest is that of the wisdom, while that of the primitive is that of forgotten.

I don't have to go to tomorrow solely, I just have to go to anywhere I choose to. Including yesterday, like i did today.

You may say that some are more primitive as it be, but still none the less do they seek that which is tomorrow in directions still tomorrow.

I could go outside time, see the whispers of that yesterday, where no measurement is made, like here today.

But what is the wisdom and the primitive? The wisdom is that which carries a living into higher places of that which they seek, be it that of one knowledge or another, which changes that knowledge prior and it is that which is primitive that is forgotten in the thing not used anymore.

Modification occurs through rearrangement, their is a plenty of things reused on this blog.

As if it is said then, that in first the living thought we must build machines of oil and power, then came forth and said in wiser wisdom, we must not use that oil and power as it is of poison to our air. As such their wisdom, it changed and they seek no longer touch of oil. In irony however, that which stood as that, is disagreed upon and thus it has split that tomorrow in two.

Perhaps it is that they must both be acquainted.

For if time is from that of yesterday to tomorrow, in any context it is the living ( in their difference ) that place tomorrow as something else, from which ever they think is become yesterday and it is for this reason we no longer live as apes, yet it is in that tomorrow is never reached because it was chosen as yesterday by other.

Yesterday, can be as was from today, with that that was yesterday.

Thus it is only living, who take to replace yesterday with tomorrow. It is monster and those outside of life that goes yonder of it. As in my case, i seek not tomorrow or yesterday ( as seeking yesterday would be tomorow ) but found that tomorow and yesterday exist not in moments later but in moments scattered but present.

In the higher realms, you could take yesterday to the pear.

As such to myself in current zone ( with no reason not to explore as dogman and otter ) i am in primitive as life is no more then that of the beasts life of food, sex and water and am also in wisdom of seeking things not of that beastly nature which defy its lifetime. As I am bad ape gone mad in yonder seeking things not of its place and those in living they live not this place as they say thing as:

"I like cooking"

and as such cooking is of greater value then that of food, sex and water ( whose point is that alone ) and seek in their thinking that of wisdom, without calling it but defiance against that point of living.

Did you know man had to eat something before meat right?

It's consequence ( of wisdom ) is knowing and it is in knowing that I have become monster and it is in denial of this purpose and defiance, that you are kept among men and living.

People can also be ghosts, with no difference in their heart.

So then I am not of yesterday or tomorow, live in my sole purpose of consumption and release and defy tirelessly to know things for I am creature crawling and it is my confusion, in awareness that makes me ask what of the otter, with little purpose and wonder.

Maybe it is in the greater yonder, that walks away from one for another and returns later?

As such while the living live for tomorows and flee yesterdays to no end, i live confused in my timeless purpose and defiant wonder.

That could be interpreted beautifully, for he is timeless away from abandoning anything. Still I am a man, with many projects and pet ones too.


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